Got tagged by Pinay mommy.
1. Are you in a complicated love situation? {yes}
2 . Do you hate more than 3 people? {no I have never hated anyone, but can dislike things they do}
3 . The last thing you drank? {coffee}
4 . Favorite chocolate bar? {snickers!}
5. Have you ever tripped someone? {not on purpose!!}
6. How many pairs of shoes do you own? {6 pairs}
7. Have you ever thrown up in public? {yes}
8 . Favorite genre of music? {nothing in particular}
9. Do you like beer? {some but not all..}
10. What are your favorite colour(s)? {green, blue, yellow and grey}
11. Is anyone in love with you? {yes!}
13.Pepsi or Sprite? {Pepsi}
14. How many video games do you own? {PC games hmm about 200 of them lol… I love games
15. Does look matters? {no not on people, but on cars yes…}
16. Are you too forgiving? {God says turn the other cheek so I try to…}
17. Do you own something from Hottopic? {nope I would look funny in something from there…}
18. Do you own a gun? {yes}
19. What did you do last night? {blog and watch TV…}
20. Nicknames? {JK, JDK, Jim, Jimmy, James, JD, and sometimes the guys at work call me Jeem}
21. If you had a super power, what would it be? {power to make everyone happy}
22 . Are you thinking about somebody right now? {yes always}
23 . Ever called somebody Boo? {yes}
24. Are you happy with your life right now? {not 100%}
25. Do you like your hair? {what I have left lol}
26 . Does anyone like you? {yes! I believe so}
27 . Last thing you read? {friends blogs}
28 . Are you afraid of the dark? {no}
29 . Have you ever stripped? {dont we all to take a bath…or to go to bed??}
30. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? {I would hope not but probably have at one time or
31. Can you cook? {when im in the mood I can cook almost anything…}
32. Things that annoy you? {rude, arrogant, obnoxious, people who think they are better then
every one else…}
33 . Money or Love? {Love}
34 . What do you want more than anything right now? {My new true love to be with me!}
35. Do you enjoy scary movies? {yes I do}
36. Marriage Or Live In? {Marriage}
37. When was the last time you said "i love you" ? {today}
like to share this TAG with: Our Journey To Forever, Princess, and Texas sweetie
jk, thanks again for this tag. i'll grab it later, okay? have a good one.
hi JK..thanks for thinking of tagging me.going to get this one now and post it in my other blog. hope you have a nice day there
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