Monday, February 4, 2008

Who's Mad? Tag.

I have received this tag from Wildcatlady29, wow thank you for the tag, but hmmm... mad huh.. ok lets see what we can do... Ok i cheated lol I have a digital camera, and I told my son "ok snap a picture when you think I look mad" lol...
Ok now let me see my co-blogger friends mad pictures I would like to tag: Nancy's Peaceful mind, Retchel, Princess, Mike xxx, Wersp, Resebel, Janethvicy, Angelgi, Angel Carlson Clan Adventure, Tintin, and Texas sweetie.. I want to add Lutchi I hope you will accept the tag as well.


Nancy Janiola said...

lol... the same person tagged me this too but am thinkin' of posting it maybe later..hmmm...can't find a mad face of me in a

thanks anyway..will do it soon..pls. stay safe and happy..ok!

Angel said...

Hello JK thank you for these tag I'm going to make it and hope I'm mad enough on my picture hehehe

Thank you and have a good day take care!