Saturday, April 5, 2008

Do you know - or - Do you ask?

Sometimes in life we are all hit with circumstances out of our control... It is not the circumstances that define us as simple human beings, it is how we deal with them that defines who we are... Hmmm you know even our closest friends judge us over our decisions... But sometimes friends dont really know what the full true circumstances really were that made us make the decision... Sometimes a friend may know a watered down quick version of the entire situation and may draw conclusions from that watered down version... Don't you think a true friend should give the benefit of the doubt and inquire questions about what they may already know as to understand the true full situation before they should feel one way or the other about your situation... I mean should a simple misunderstanding between friends ruin a friendship that may have been saved if the friend only new the situation in its entirety... Ok so even then is it right for us to pass judgement on each other over things we may not agree with... I mean I thought being true friends, people were supposed to accept each other for who they are, and not what we want them to be... Should our friends not let us live our lives ourselves, or do you believe that we should live as puppets on our friends strings? I have recently seen some friends drop another friend simply because they did not know the extremes of the situation and drew their own comclusions and dont even realize how far off base they were... It is very sad to see things like this happen...

For example and has no basis other then an example:

"You need to move to a new house" you find the house you like maybe even love... You see so many wonderful things about it and you love the location in which its in... It is a bit further from your friends places but hey you feel you can make the commute...

"You tell you friend I found a house I want to move into" it is so nice you must see it... Your friend says ok lets go. You show your friend the house... Friends say oh its a nice house but a bit far huh we may not get to see each other as much... Friend says I like the old one better it is closer to me... You say but I really want this house it is so nice even if it is a bit further...

"Friend say well then if you feel you need to move further away from me then fine so be it were done if thats how you feel about us" and storms off before you can even respond...

You stand there puzzled and confussed thinking what did I do wrong? Thinking: I need to move because they are leveling my house for a parking lot not by my choice but landlord sold it... I found a nice place yes it a bit further but I do feel I can commute... Wow why did my friend get so mad and storm off?...

Well could it have been conclusions were drawn on only a fraction of the situation???

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