Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Those who have given -V- Those who earn a way

Why is life so unfair to some people and so blessedly to others? I mean one man may sit back his entire life and never need to ask for anything... Everything he wants is at his fingertips... While the other man wants a piece of bread and it turns out moldy... The one guy wants anything and it just drops into his lap... The other guy want one thing and it is always just out of reach... He never gives up and always keeps reaching till he gets it... The man that has it drop into his lap want more and usually gets it... The man that actually earns what he receives actually respects it more and is satisfied with what he has... The difference is the more you have handed the more you want handed but the more you earn the more you are happy with what you have, and you are grateful for what you receive... The guy who works for it also understands somethings in life may be out of reach if your not willing to put an effort into getting what you want... But if the guy who earns really wants something then he strives for it until he gets it and never gives up...
This guy realizes as long as he tries it can be in reach all in time and will eventually get what he wants... But in the end the guy who earns is richer because he is happy with what he has, and does not need more then he earns

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