Monday, April 5, 2010

what's in my to-do list for the day...

Hi, how's everyone doing here? Wish you all had a great Easter celebration. Mine was just celebrated peacefully at home with my family. It just feels good to free your mind from all the stress once in a while. But we should also not forget to go back to the reality because we are all bound to face it whether we like it or not.

And yes, I am fully back now as well and to start of, I have few things in my to-do list for the day. So far I already have done the most important one - cleaning my system registry up with my trusted Windows 7 Registry Cleaner. It was quite a long process that took me few hours of waiting but it's all worth the wait. Now I have my PC running smoothly back again. Next thing in line is to accomplish the rest of my pending tasks from last week. There's still a couple of them. Hope to get them all done early this afternoon so I can still do my gift shopping for my birthday girl tomorrow. Until next time!

1 comment:

squidy said...

nice share my friend.:D