Thursday, November 10, 2011

The healthy part of it

JK and I are glad to be back. It was such a great quite long vacation we just have had and the times we’ve spent with each other having fun going to places, watching movies, dining in and out are just things we both wish wouldn’t have to end. But it has to just like any other things we do in life that has a time frame. Such is reality!

One of the so many things that I am probably going to miss is the morning walk. I simply find it healthy and such a helpful exercise to pair with natural weight loss pills if you’re on diet. Well I was on diet too. But sometimes things have to change (well temporarily) not because we want them but because we feel we deserve a break as well.

Normally it is just a short walk we did pretty much every till we get to the next corner of the street to get a ride to take us wherever we wish to go for the day. Other times I can’t keep up with it especially when the sun is all out - I could whine about it (oh God knows I do) but I certainly wouldn’t mind walking a few miles in the afternoon or at night.

Just how I wish we have more time together but reality has it. This time I am gluing myself back to the internet again while JK’s back to his normal life as well. We still do get hold of each other though. It just has to be the virtual way like we used to this time again.

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