1. Place your link after the list. If you have more than 1 blog, feel free to add them all here!
2. After placing your blog's address/es, you must tag 5 or more bloggers that is not yet in the list, this is to keep the ball rolling.
3. Here is the best part: Make sure to update your list every now and then, by getting the master list here. I'll be updating the master list every day, or as soon as I see a new blog that's been added to the list. ^_^Links around the world tag
1 - Momhood Moments 2 - Business Mar 3 - Pinay Mommy Online 4 - OnlineBiz and Resources 5 - See Me For What You Will 6 - place your link here
Tagging: Texas Sweetie Byotipol, Nance, pamps, FATHY, Lisa-bravenet, kiko and Panji.
^_^ End copying here ^_^
hi jk thanks for tagging me gonna do it tomorrow coz it's late here now..thank u very much..have a nice evening there..
thank you for those nice words! i'm so thankful having found a friend in you!
god bless!
thank you for that JK! i have no idea that you've been through a lot! as in a lot! i commend you for being that strong for your dearly beloved wife! she is so lucky to have you, not giving up on her, like she's not giving up and continue to fight till her last battle! you were right about giving it all up to the Lord, his will be done. good on you for praying about her pain. i know how hard and how painful it is to lose someone you love, let alone your wife! but God has His reasons that we all find out sooner or later. i just get that out of my mind. it must be really hard for you!
i'll be praying for you as well. thank you once again! may God continue to shower you with strength and will to go on...
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